Late Night with Adonis Paul Episodes
Late Night with Adonis Paul is a live, animated, interactive clip show experience hosted by the food and beverage administrator himself, Adonis Paul. Late Night celebrates the tradition of late shows being created for and by men of class, culture and humor.
MAYO: Princess Of The Gutter – The Adrasdea Story
Prepare yourself for a look at homeless life on the streets of Los Angeles, through the eyes of the most unique horrorcow I have ever encountered, Adrasdea. In this part, we will cover the Roberta Laws murder, and view Adrasdea's amazing life 2007 - 2020. If you would like to send her money for some reason, you can, here. I'm certainly not paying her for this footage:
JRC3: The James Robert Clark Story Part 1
James Robert Clark III is one of the internet's most openly sick individuals. With his delusions of conspiracy, his refusal to grow up, a complete lack of responsibility in his life and his violent need to validate his artificial manhood he wanders the internet plains openly lusting on teenage girls and stalking numerous women.
Late Night with Adonis Paul Episodes
Feb 2023 -
MAYO: Princess Of The Gutter – The Adrasdea Story
3hr 02min -
JRC3: The James Robert Clark Story Part 1
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independent creators are being contacted increasingly often by illegitimate film festival scam artists from overseas. This is how they do it.

Website Updates 01/14/2024 It was a pretty busy night on the development side, but I have some great features to roll out for our members today: You now have a Las Tejas Social account right here on the site, included with your membership. You can find links to your social feed and profile on your... […]

Let us talk for just a moment about James Robert Clark III. Just as "Lesbian Laura" cited and mounted a defense of convicted child sex offender John Lee Baird in part 1 of his blog, she does the same in parts 2 and 3 regarding a man on YouTube by the name of James Robert Clark III. Just as it was VERY IMPORTANT you knew the story of John Lee Baird, so that we didn’t have to keep debunking claim after claim about him not being a sex offender or pedophile, we must now quickly do the same with James Robert Clark. It will pay off, just as Baird did, and this will be rather quick. IT SEEMS LESBIAN LAURA IS ABOUT TO ADD ANOTHER PEDOHILE AND A LGBT HATING NAZI TO HER LIST OF PEOPLE SHE ENDORCED TODAY!

Website Update 01/13/2023 Welcome to VivaLasTejas.Com version 2.0! I hope you are enjoying the redesign and re-organization of the content on this site thus far, but I assure you there is more to come this week as I roll out different features. As you can see, the Players Club has been eliminated in favor of... […]

Who is John Lee Baird? Well, I am very glad you asked. Activists in Austin, TX revere this man (Registered Sex Offender) to a great degree, and one slanderous blogger in particular I will name later has associated themself with him by their own admission and will continue on to defend him at length, so let me save you some time and just explain it all now so as we go on, you can see this austin activist's sick, twisted idea of what a decent person is. More specifically, what "Not a pedophile" is.

Today we will look at one day in the life of Mary Barone, Adrasdea on YouTube. She will lie, bring up old beefs from 3 years ago, and may even be trying to commit a second murder!

The Bluntstream
The Bluntstream was the predecessor to Late Night and the first show with Adonis Paul on it. Adonis was much more of a bastard back in the day as I played him more as the ultimate irreverent evil edgy boy character and not what the Adonis Paul Character has evolved into, today. The Bluntstream had the same basic formula as Late Night, but, much rougher and..Well you'll see.

AP/AM is a very rare morning show experience hosted by Adonis Paul where in the theme of talk radio, we just discuss some interesting topics at length.

Mayo: The Series
Mayo: The Series is a series of supplemental videos documenting the scams, behavior and wild lies of Mary Barone, AKA Adrasdea. Mary spends most of her time online either attacking others, or trying to backpedal away from the truth as fast as she can. Mayo the series will show many of her smaller sagas where she outs herself as a terrible person.

Girls Gone Viking
Inside every woman lives the spirit of her warrior ancestors. In Girls Gone viking we witness the unleashing of these ancient warrior spirits. Viking, Aztec, Samurai, Zulu and more meet on the streets of battle to find out who the strongest woman in the world is!

When only the finest and most hateful hour of life will due. L8H8 is what happens when someone gets under my skin, amuses me, or when I really, really like them. A rare show where we just look at one person or thing, and usually talk mad shit about it.

Late Night with Adonis Paul Episodes
Late Night with Adonis Paul is a live, animated, interactive clip show experience hosted by the food and beverage administrator himself, Adonis Paul. Late Night celebrates the tradition of late shows being created for and by men of class, culture and humor.
All Episodes